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江苏:“及时雨”精准助力复工达产-广西新闻网:2021-3-1 · 3月1日,《新华每日电讯》刊载题为《江苏:“及时雨”精准助力复工达产》的报道 新华社记者刘亢、凌军辉、陈刚、郑生竹 复工半月有余,一嘲抢 ...


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Amanda Stevenson is a certified yoga instructor. She specializes in yoga for women's health including fertility, prenatal and restorative/yin. She is the fertility yoga instructor for our Mindfulness Fertility Series.We’re digging into how to use fertility yoga to deal with stress and begin to reconnect to the body.
<p>Episode Description: The Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, one of the foremost teachers in the Nyingma and Kagyu schools of Tibetan Buddhism, joins</p>
  • Analytic meditation, 
  • Context: Philosophical and cultural belief systems, 
  • Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, 
  • Kagyü (bka' brgyud), 
  • Nyingma (rnying ma), 
  • Sutra-based, 
  • Tibet, 
  • United States 
  • Contemplation by Tradition,
  • Practices of Buddhist Contemplation,
  • Buddhist Contemplation
100% Renewable energy systems, climate mitigation and economic growth (2011, Journal Article)
  • Mathiesen, Brian Vad,  
  • Lund, Henrik,  
  • Karlsson, Kenneth 
Greenhouse gas mitigation strategies are generally considered costly with world leaders often engaging in debate concerning the costs of mitigation and the distribution of these costs between different countries. In this paper, the analyses and results of the design of a 100% renewable energy system by the year 2050 are presented for a complete energy system including transport. Two short-term transition target years in the process towards this goal are analysed for 2015 and 2030. The energy systems are analysed and designed with hour-by-hour energy system analyses. The analyses reveal that implementing energy savings, renewable energy and more efficient conversion technologies can have positive socio-economic effects, create employment and potentially lead to large earnings on exports. If externalities such as health effects are included, even more benefits can be expected. 100% Renewable energy systems will be technically possible in the future, and may even be economically beneficial compared to the business-as-usual energy system. Hence, the current debate between leaders should reflect a combination of these two main challenges.
  • Anonymous 
  • Anonymous · 州)的资金都来自于公共基金。在增长加速计划的预算中也包括了 Curitiba (帕拉纳州)机场的第三条跑道。Page 160, para 4.214 第160页第4.214段 Under MERCOSUR Decision No. 25/2021, a regulatory framework allows for granting temporary work permits to
  • Patterson, Colleen A.,  
  • Miles, Brenda,  
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A young girl learns a technique for dealing with anger--and it works
A 12‐week integrative exercise program improves self‐reported mindfulness and interoceptive awareness in war veterans with posttraumatic stress symptoms (2018, Journal Article)
  • Mehling, Wolf E.,  
  • Chesney, Margaret A.,  
  • Metzler, Thomas J.,  
  • Goldstein, Lizabeth A.,  
  • Maguen, Shira,  
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  • Agcaoili, Gary,  
  • Barnes, Deborah E.,  
  • Hlavin, Jennifer A.,  
  • Neylan, Thomas C. 
Abstract: Objective: Innovative approaches to the treatment of war‐related posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are needed. We report on secondary psychological outcomes of a randomized controlled trial of integrative exercise (IE) using aerobic and resistance exercise with mindfulness‐based principles and yoga. We expected—in parallel to observed improvements in PTSD intensity and quality of life—improvements in mindfulness, interoceptive bodily awareness, and positive states of mind. Method: A total of 47 war veterans with PTSD were randomized to 12‐week IE versus waitlist. Changes in mindfulness, interoceptive awareness, and states of mind were assessed by self‐report standard measures. Results: Large effect sizes for the intervention were observed on Five‐Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire Non‐Reactivity (d = .85), Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness Body Listening (d = .80), and Self‐Regulation (d = 1.05). Conclusion: In a randomized controlled trial of a 12‐week IE program for war veterans with PTSD, we saw significant improvements in mindfulness, interoceptive bodily awareness, and positive states of mind compared to a waitlist.
A 12-week integrative exercise program improves self-reported mindfulness and interoceptive awareness in war veterans with posttraumatic stress symptoms (2018, Journal Article)
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  • Chesney, Margaret A.,  
  • Metzler, Thomas J.,  
  • Goldstein, Lizabeth A.,  
  • Maguen, Shira,  
  • Geronimo, Chris,  
  • Agcaoili, Gary,  
  • Barnes, Deborah E.,  
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OBJECTIVE: Innovative approaches to the treatment of war-related posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are needed. We report on secondary psychological outcomes of a randomized controlled trial of integrative exercise (IE) using aerobic and resistance exercise with mindfulness-based principles and yoga. We expected-in parallel to observed improvements in PTSD intensity and quality of life-improvements in mindfulness, interoceptive bodily awareness, and positive states of mind.METHOD: A total of 47 war veterans with PTSD were randomized to 12-week IE versus waitlist. Changes in mindfulness, interoceptive awareness, and states of mind were assessed by self-report standard measures. RESULTS: Large effect sizes for the intervention were observed on Five-Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire Non-Reactivity (d = .85), Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness Body Listening (d = .80), and Self-Regulation (d = 1.05). CONCLUSION: In a randomized controlled trial of a 12-week IE program for war veterans with PTSD, we saw significant improvements in mindfulness, interoceptive bodily awareness, and positive states of mind compared to a waitlist.
  • Sarnat, Harvey B.,  
  • Polin, Richard A.,  
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  • Rowitch, David H.,  
  • Benitz, William E.,  
  • Fox, William W. 
  • Rajimehr, R.,  
  • Tootell, R.,  
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  • Albright, Thomas D.,  
  • Albright, Thomas D.,  
  • Masland, Richard H.,  
  • Dallos, Peter,  
  • Oertel, Donata,  
  • Firestein, Stuart,  
  • Beauchamp, Gary K.,  
  • Catherine Bushnell, M.,  
  • Basbaum, Allan I.,  
  • Kaas, Jon H.,  
  • Gardner, Esther P. 
Over the past three decades, the systematic exploration of the primate visual cortex has been a major target of neurobiological research. The visual cortex has been extensively studied in the macaque monkey, whose visual system is similar in many ways to that of humans. On the basis of anatomical, physiological, and behavioral information, ∼30 distinct visual cortical areas have been described in the macaque. Human visual cortex, largely terra incognita until the past decade, is now accessible by neuroimaging techniques, and these techniques have enabled neuroscientists to map the human visual areas with respect to their functional organization. This chapter gives a comprehensive overview of key discoveries relating to the human visual cortex.
2014 American Neuropsychiatric Association Annual Meeting Abstracts (Journal Article)
Background: Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is characterized by deficits in self-regulation, including impulsivity and affective instability. Transference-focused psychotherapy (TFP) is an evidence-based treatment with proven effectiveness in reducing symptoms across multiple cognitive-emotional domains in patients with BPD. In this study, longitudinal changes in neural activation patterns and predictors of treatment response were investigated using a dimensional symptom-based approach. Methods: A functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) activation paradigm was used pre and post-TFP in patients with BPD, with statistical parametric analyses, to test hypotheses concerning the identification of frontolimbic biomarkers for clinical improvement. Using a within-subjects design, BPD subjects (N=10; mean age=27.8) were scanned pretreatment, and again after approximately one-year of TFP using a disorder-specific emotional linguistic go/no-go fMRI paradigm. Results: Analyses confirmed significant treatment related effects with relative increases in dorsal prefrontal cognitive control regions (dorsal anterior cingulate cortex, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex), and relative decreases in ventrolateral prefrontal and hippocampal areas following treatment. Clinical improvement in affective lability correlated positively with activity in left posterior-medial orbitofrontal cortex/ventral striatum (small-volume-corrected p value (psvc)=0.028); right amygdala/ parahippocampal activation correlated negatively with improvements in affective lability (psvc=0.005). Pretreatment hypoactivation in the left posterior-medial orbitofrontal cortex/ventral striatum predicted improvements in affective lability (psvc=0.013), and posttreatment improvements in constraint were predicted by pretreatment right anterior-dorsal anterior cingulate cortex hypoactivation (psvc=0.002). Conclusions: Individuals with BPD whose symptoms improved following TFP demonstrated modulation of neural activity in brain regions known to be implicated in behavioral inhibition in the context of negative emotional processing.
20th WCP: Teaching Meditation to Classes in Philosophy (Submitted, Journal Article)
  • Ledoux, Arthur 
In alignment with the overall theme of the congress, "Philosophy Teaching Humanity," this paper proposes that teachers of philosophy consider instructing their students in simple techniques of meditation. By meditation I mean the practice of mindfulness which typically begins by paying clear, steady, non-reactive attention to the sensations of one's own breathing, and then extending this attention to embrace all bodily sensations, feelings, moods, thoughts, and intentions. I discuss how to integrate meditation practically in the philosophy classroom and then respond to three objections that have been raised to that practice. I then discuss the potential benefits of the practice, arguing first of all that meditation has academic benefits, especially in courses in Asian philosophy. But of much wider application is the wisdom of non-attachment which the mediation naturally evokes primarily through the experience of impermanence. The potential benefits of the paradigm are then briefly indicated as related to our experience of body, mind, society and nature. I conclude by commending the proposal as a small but important practical step philosophy teachers can take to help our fellow humans navigate the challenging transformation of our time.
  • Sharif, Marci 
Meditation cultivates mindfulness, fosters a more peaceful mindset and help us realign.
  • The Centre for Mindfulness Studies 
Train to facilitate MBCT programs with guidance from Zindel Segal, one of its co-developers.Current treatments for depression provide relief for many people, yet they face significant challenges maintaining the benefits of treatment. This workshop and meditation retreat will lead you through an innovative 5-day intensive training program designed to prevent depressive relapse among people with a history of depression. Facilitators: Zindel Segal PhD C Psych, Patricia Rockman MD CCFP FCFP & Evan Collins MD FRCPC Location: Ecology Retreat Centre
A 5-Minute Breathing Meditation To Cultivate Mindfulness (2016, Magazine Article)
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Reduce stress, anxiety, and negative emotions, cool yourself down when your temper flares, and sharpen your concentration skills.
  • Anonymous 
  • Anonymous 
A15O-H2O PET study of meditation and the resting state of normal consciousness (1999, Journal Article)
  • Hans C. Lou,  
  • Troels W. Kjaer,  
  • Lars Friberg,  
  • Gordon Wildschiodtz,  
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  • Contemplation by Applied Subject,
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Abbreviated Mindfulness-Based Therapy for a Depressed College Student (2013, Journal Article)
  • Preddy, Teresa M.,  
  • McIndoo, Crystal C.,  
  • Hopko, Derek R. 
Mindfulness-based therapy (MBT) has shown promise in reducing depression and psychological distress among individuals presenting with various medical and psychiatric problems. This case study examined the implementation of MBT with an undergraduate student with recurrent major depression and generalized anxiety disorder. A novel four-session MBT protocol was utilized and the patient demonstrated significant decreases in depressive and anxiety symptoms and an overall increase in quality of life at the posttreatment assessment. Treatment gains were maintained at the 1-month follow-up assessment. Consistent with previous treatment outcome studies examining the efficacy of comprehensive MBT interventions, results indicate that an abbreviated MBT protocol may be effective in treating depression and anxiety in younger adults.
"Absent Fathers", and Children's Social and Emotional Learning: An Exploration of the Perceptions of "Positive Male Role Models" in the Primary School Sector (2018, Journal Article)
  • Wood, Peter,  
  • Brownhill, Simon 
This paper focuses on the testimonies of three male primary school staff members who utilised social and emotional learning (SEL) in their everyday practice within their respective schools. The data, collected through individual interviews, illustrate how these three men interpreted SEL, and their role in the development of children's social, emotional and behavioural (SEB) skills, in response to their perceptions of pupils' home-life. In particular, the sample identified the children's fathers' perceived ability/inability as a main cause of pupils' SEB deficiencies. Consequently, the three male staff members maintained that in order to advocate and encourage alternative, appropriate behaviours, they should act as "replacement fathers" and become "role models". The findings contribute to existing debates relating to the notion of "positive male role models" in primary schools and the propensity for staff to engage in parental blame. The implications of these findings are discussed, and suggestions that call for a more democratic and cooperative exchange of knowledge between parents and teachers are made.
  • Johannes Bronkhorst 
<p>This book argues for the central role played by absorption in the functioning of the human mind. The importance of absorption makes itself felt in different ways; the two studies combined in this book concentrate on two of them. The first study, 'The Symbolic Mind', argues that, largely as a result of language acquisition, humans have two levels of cognition, which in normal circumstances are simultaneously active. Absorption is a (or the) means to circumvent some, perhaps all, of the associations that characterize one of these two levels of cognition, resulting in what is sometimes referred to as mysitcal experience, but which is not confined to mysticism and plays a role in various "religious" phenomena, and elsewhere. In the second study, 'The Psychology of the Buddha', Prof. Bronkhorst provides a theoretical context for the observation that absorption is a source of pleasure, grapples with Freud, and illustrates his observations through translations of ancient Buddhist texts from the Pali ans Sanskrit languages along with his psychological commentary.</p>
  • KS6BB 
  • Psychology and Buddhist Contemplation
Abstract of Comments: Contemplation and the Human Good: Comments on Moline (Journal Article)
  • Joan Kung 
  • Western Philosophical Tradition,
  • Contemplation by Applied Subject
Abstraction in perceptual symbol systems. (Journal Article)
After reviewing six senses of abstraction, this article focuses on abstractions that take the form of summary representations. Three central properties of these abstractions are established: ( i ) type-token interpretation; (ii) structured representation; and (iii) dynamic realization. Traditional theories of representation handle interpretation and structure well but are not sufficiently dynamical. Conversely, connectionist theories are exquisitely dynamic but have problems with structure. Perceptual symbol systems offer an approach that implements all three properties naturally. Within this framework, a loose collection of property and relation simulators develops to represent abstractions. Type-token interpretation results from binding a property simulator to a region of a perceived or simulated category member. Structured representation results from binding a configuration of property and relation simulators to multiple regions in an integrated manner. Dynamic realization results from applying different subsets of property and relation simulators to category members on different occasions. From this standpoint, there are no permanent or complete abstractions of a category in memory. Instead, abstraction is the skill to construct temporary online interpretations of a category's members. Although an infinite number of abstractions are possible, attractors develop for habitual approaches to interpretation. This approach provides new ways of thinking about abstraction phenomena in categorization, inference, background knowledge and learning.
  • Barsalou lab 
  • 71名政协委员联名建议:广西应抢占区块链发展高地-广西新闻网:2021-1-30 · 71名政协委员联名建议—— 广西应抢占区块链发展高地 广西新闻网-广西日报记者 王春楠 今年的自治区两会上,有一件提案人气特别高,多达71名 ...
Academic Learning + Social-Emotional Learning= National Priority (2013, 旋风sub加速器)
  • Weissberg, Roger P.,  
  • Cascarino, Jason 
Academic, Social, and Behavioral Characteristics of High School Students with Emotional Disturbances or Learning Disabilities (2006, Journal Article)
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  • Carter, Erik W.,  
  • Pierson, Melinda R.,  
  • Glaeser, Barbara C. 
还是外挂?高通发布全新5G基带,5nm工艺,明年初正式推出 ...:2021-2-19 · 原标题:还是外挂?高通发布全新5G基带,5nm工艺,明年初正式推出“同时支持Sub-6和毫米波才是真5G”——高通“采用集成5G基带的SOC才是真5G”——华为关于到底什么才是真5G,高通和华为的说法截然不同。这是高通和华为对于真5G的坚持,也是一个鱼与熊掌不可兼得


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